Developed Activities

Environmental licensing is an instrument used by Brazil with the objective of exercising prior control and monitoring activities that use natural resources that are polluting or that may cause degradation of the environment. This instrument, environmental licensing, is an administrative process that results, or not, in the issuance of an environmental license. It was introduced in the country with the law of the National Policy of the Environment, in 1981.

Training / Awareness Lectures
The number of companies that seek to implement techniques and tools that guarantee the quality of their products and services, such as quality management systems, is growing every day, for example, because there is a large collection of the current market. However, for quality to be part of the routine of any organization, it depends directly on the participation of all those involved in the processes of that organization. Often a general cultural change is necessary, so that quality is actually experienced in a company and not just inspected and charged.

Consulting for natural gas projects, LPG
Design, installation and maintenance in fuels systems (Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Natural Gas), fire fighting systems (hydrant, sprinkler, SDAI, pressurized ladder, etc.) and special gases and medical, offering solutions for consumers of More ... Small residences and large industries.
Inspection and testing of systems (leak testing, pneumatic test, load test and hydrostatic test).
NR13- Technical inspections based on the Regulatory Norms of the Department of Safety and Health at Work of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
We are ready to meet the requirements of your
Oil closes without single direction
Oil futures contracts diverged again on Friday, closing in opposite directions as investors digested information on Tropical Depression Harvey and Baker Hughes' weekly report on US commodity activity.
Completed the floating solar power plant
Large-scale environmental restrictions such as hydroelectric, oil and coal-fired thermoelectric plants, associated with the need to produce energy near the point of consumption, impact on the reduction of energy costs and lead Brazilians to take an interest in other types of energy, especially solar generation and nuclear
Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas
A exploração e a produção de petróleo e gás natural são nossas atividades centrais. Buscamos aumentar nossas reservas e desenvolver a produção para garantir o atendimento à crescente demanda de energia.